If it were only so easy to code "if (string1 < string2)" in 'C'... Such is not the case. We look here at one of the handful of string comparison/investigation functions.
l | Function 'strcmp()' returns:
/* pgm17 source */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ITEMS 11
int main(void) {
char *words1[ITEMS] = {"A", "bird", "Sea", "came", "O", "down", "the", "walk", "11", "Foo", "Bang"};
char *words2[ITEMS] = {"A", "boy", "Tea", "could", "E", "dive", "them", "walls", "11", "Faa", "Bing"};
int s_cmp;
int j;
printf("\nSTRCMP() does string comparisons & also makes sandwiches.\n\n");
for (j = 0; j < ITEMS; j++) {
s_cmp = strcmp(words1[j], words2[j]);
if (s_cmp < 0) printf("%-8s is less than %s\n", words1[j], words2[j]);
else if (s_cmp == 0) printf("%-8s is equal to %s\n", words1[j], words2[j]);
else printf("%-8s is greater than %s\n", words1[j], words2[j]);
printf("\n('A'=65 decimal, 'B'=66, 'y'=121, 'z'=122)\n\n");
for (j = 'A'; j <= 'z'; j++) {
if ((j > 'Z') && (j < 'a')) // there are some punctuation chars between CAPS and lowercase
continue; // don't print them by continuing back to top of LOOP
printf("%c", j);